Titre : A framework for identifying the legacies of a mega sport event

Auteur : Holger Preuss   

Références : A framework for identifying the legacies of a mega sport event, Leisure Studies, 34:6, 643-664

Résumé : A mega sport event involves huge investments in city infrastructure. After the event, the structures that remain may be an asset to the stakeholders, or they may be a burden. Faced with high costs, the taxpayer demands that the event- related social, economic and ecological changes will in the end have improved living conditions for the host city. But it is not easy to identify sport event lega- cies in their entirety, because event-related changes may be confused with non- event-related development, and because a wide variety of areas and stakeholders are affected. This paper looks at how to identify legacies, who is affected by the legacies, how long they last, and how to judge whether a legacy creates or destroys value. It stresses that legacies affect stakeholders differently – positively for some and negatively for others. It considers how to maximise positive lega- cies and suggests that these can best be controlled by governmental organisa- tions. It notes that legacies gain and lose power over time and that often a legacy will be activated only if environmental changes offer opportunities.

Mots-clés : legacy; mega sport event; stakeholder; conceptualisation; government; legacy dimensions

PDF : http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2014.994552

Titre : Towards redefining the concept of legacy in relation to sport mega-events: Insights from the 2010 FIFA World Cup

Auteur : Scarlett Cornelissen, Urmilla Bob & Kamilla Swart   

Références : Development Southern Africa Vol. 28, No. 3, September 2011

Résumé : Increasingly, governments from both the developed and developing world look to hosting sport mega-events as a way to stimulate development. There is much debate over what the legacies of sport mega-events are, how to stimulate positive legacies and how they should be studied. Drawing on a growing body of scholarship on legacy best and worst practice, this article discusses the economic, physical, infrastructural, social, political and environmental consequences of sport mega-events, using insights from South Africa’s hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. It examines pertinent debates, highlights prominent approaches to assessing legacy impacts, notes the lack of consensus on the meaning of ‘legacy’, and suggests steps towards a clear definition of the concept. These include the need to consider event impacts in relation to the context in which they occur, and to integrate triple bottom-line principles systematically into mega-event planning, design and evaluation.

Mots-clés : sport mega-event; mega-event impacts; legacy praxis; sustainability; 2010 FIFA World Cup

PDF : https://www.u-orme.fr/images/pdf/Legacy_concept_sport_mega_event.pdf

Titre : The 2012 London Olympics. What legacy?

Auteur : Andy Thornley   

Références : Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events: Vol 4, No 2, 206-210

Résumé : The legacy promise of the London Olympic Games was a major feature of the original bid, and one of the elements that contributed to its success. It has been claimed that the London legacy has received more pre-Games attention than in any other host city. Will the expectation be realized ?

Mots-clés : Legacy, London Olympics

PDF : http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19407963.2012.662617

Titre : Maximizing Olympic Impacts by Building Up Legacies

Auteur : Chris Gratton & Holger Preuss   

Références : The International Journal of the History of Sport, 25:14, 1922-1938

Résumé : This contribution adds to the controversial discussion of the investment of scarce public resources in mega sport events such as the Olympic Games. The positive, or negative, legacy of mega sport events will be considered. A definition of legacy will be given, how legacy might be measured is discussed and the key elements that make up a legacy are identified. Examples are taken from recent Olympic Games and other mega sports events such as the Manchester Commonwealth Games in 2002.

Mots-clés : Legacy, Olympic Games, Impact

PDF : http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09523360802439023